The three factors in a
legislator’s pension formula are (1) salary, (2) years of service and (3) 2.75
percent. Thanks to the 2005 law, which legislative leaders — Republicans and
Democrats — sneaked through the legislative process, Stein is able to use her
judge’s salary of $124,618 instead of her pay as a legislator, which was
$40,668. Stein did not vote on the bill.
Using the higher salary triples
her legislative pension, and, based on a Social Security Life Expectancy Table,
gives her a lifetime gain of an estimated $888,174 … on top of her regular
legislative pension.
Stein is not the only one who
left the General Assembly enriched from the 2005 bill. To name a few, former
Rep. Harry Moberly, D-Richmond, quit with a legislative pension of at least
$168,686 a year; former Rep. J.R. Gray, D-Benton, left with a legislative
pension of about $136,500 a year; and when former Rep. James Comer resigned to
take the oath as commissioner of agriculture it was a moment that spiked his
legislative pension at least $467,369. Moberly, Gray and Comer in 2005 voted in
favor of the self-enrichment.
Moberly and Gray also have a
second pension in KERS, the pension system for state employees, in which they were
enrolled automatically as a legislator once they “maxed out” in the
legislators’ pension system, thanks to a 1998 law change that hardly anyone
knows about.
So, Moberly’s government
pensions for being a legislator is around $180,000 a year — and he almost
surely has a third pension from his private-sector employer, Eastern Kentucky
University, that puts him well over $200,000 a year from three government
Gray also has a second
pension in KERS, under the 1998 law, putting his two government pensions at
around $150,000 a year.
The list of super-rich
pension (courtesy of the taxpayers) for a part-time as a legislator is long and
growing. Reps. Bob Damron and Sen. Walter Blevins have announced they are
running for county judge-executive next year — a move that would more than
double their legislative pensions. Look for more legislators to run for
Pension abuse is embedded in
the culture, especially in Frankfort. It is common for people in the capitol
city to be drawing “two and three” pensions.
Oh, did I fail to say the
pension system for state employees is so broke it’s on life-support, and that
pension costs are crowding out essential government services?